

Dosti,yaari,friendship or natpu.., call it what you want its charming nonetheless. The best part about friendship is that we all get to experience it in our lives.

Our friendships are netflix series in itself, kabhi kabhi love comes in play,betrayal gives us heartache or it can be feel good masti wala yaarana, the genres are honestly endless.

There are lot of unspoken promises in this relationship that we honour. From spilling the tea on the latest breakup,pranking each other, stealing sorry sorry "borrowing" one's lunch from the other to beating up anyone who insults this amazing human you've made friend.

The beginning of friendship although maybe innocent and simple but to follow through that comittment is just as much a struggle. 

I'm grateful that in seventeen years of my life i've come across several wonderful,kindhearted,courageous, funny hooman beans that i proudly call my friends.While some have left the path that was once interwined one another , i wouldnt' trade my memories spent with them for a single thing because they all tugged my heartstrings.

Those who have remain stay close to heart so much so that now they have become something more , a family that i chose.




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